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Andrew Roach

PCF Insurance Services | Sr. Director of Strategic Finance | Lehi | 33

Andrew Roach, CPA, lassoes wins with excellent leadership and his trusty tool Excel, the program in which he says basically anything is possible. As the Sr. Director of Strategic Finance at PCF Insurance Services, spreadsheets are critical. Andrew is responsible for debt and equity financing, strategic modeling and investor relations. PCF has been listed as the No. 1 fastest-growing company in Utah three years in a row by Utah Business, and its momentum is only picking up. During his time with PCF, Andrew has thus far refinanced $2.1 billion of debt for better rates and raised an additional $1.4 billion of debt and equity facilities to support that growth. When it comes to growing one of the largest insurance companies in the country, there’s no room for finance mediocrity — and Andrew is excelling.

MAIN MOTIVATION To provide my family as many opportunities as I can. I measure myself based on if I have progressed that objective every day. PERSONAL GROWTH I have been blessed to have exposure to executive decision-making and board-level discussions from very transparent leaders. Their influence and leadership has accelerated my understanding of the issues they face and allowed me to focus my energy on solving their problems. SHARPER SKILLS It took some time to come out of my shell and be myself rather than what I assumed was expected of an accounting professional. Once I discovered my professional voice, I was able to better parlay my energy into my work performance. COMBATING DOUBT Doubt or discouragement only creeps into an idle mind. PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS These beliefs contribute to success: 1) Adults spend their weekend preparing for their week and not vice versa. 2) Perspective is massively important to culture and environment. To the extent you can find silver linings and maintain positive energy, every problem becomes an obstacle to overcome. GOOD BIZ ADVICE When interviewing for a position, go to a meal with the hiring manager. How the employer treats the wait staff will tell you everything you need to know about those they deem inferior to themselves. MENTOR WINS I frequently look to my father as a man to emulate. Having found success in large organizations and small, I love bouncing career ideas off him and learning from his wealth of experience. 

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Chad Pollard

Renew Biotechnologies | Co-Founder + CEO | Provo | 26

Chad Pollard has a hypothesis that, together, science and business can transform healthcare as we know it — and that’s happening through Renew Biotechnologies. Preventative tests for neurodivergent diseases only scratch the surface of Renew’s capabilities. Chad holds a bachelor’s degree in genetics, genomes and biotech from BYU and is a full PhD candidate in cell biology and physiology, expected to graduate in April 2025. Of all his ventures, he is proudest of his research, particularly in Pre-symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease diagnostics. That research has garnered significant attention nationally, highlighted by a manuscript in the top 1 percent of all submissions to “Frontiers in Neurology.” And his entrepreneurial spirit is just as strong as his scientific acumen! At BYU, he won both the BYU Entrepreneur Big Idea Competition and the BYU Student Innovator of the Year — which led to the beginnings of Renew. Since its inception in May 2022, Renew has rapidly expanded, acquiring seven subsidiaries and establishing itself as a leader in next-generation sequencing diagnostics. 

LIVING LEGACY My goals: 1) For the customers we serve to recognize our company as one that had a significant positive impact on healthcare. 2) For employees to leave saying they are proud to have worked with Renew. PERSONAL GROWTH I have grown in leadership. As a young CEO, there is very little I know from past experiences. Because of that, it was important to make sure I have an incredible group of advisors and coaches who help me nearly every day to know how I can improve. CAUTIONARY TALES “Keep things close to the chest.” I don’t like that approach. I have found that people trust me more when I am willing to be overly transparent. SHARPER SKILLS Naturally, I’m a person who avoids confrontation and thinks it is best to not bother anyone and get work done myself. That approach doesn’t work well when you are starting a company, so I have had to work hard to always have open and honest communication. CODE RED One of our policies is “to be transparent with everyone about everything from the beginning.” We believe most major crises are a result of a problem that builds over time, and being transparent — from company finances to project deadlines — helps to avoid those crises. CAREER DREAM I would love Renew to be my last job and grow it for the rest of my career. 

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Alixandra Lewis Burrows

LitJoy Crate | Co-CEO | Lehi | 35

In this story, a book club became a business. Alix Lewis Burrows met Kelly Dearth in 2015 at Kelly’s book club, Delicious Reads. At this book club, the squad dressed up, had themed food, and Kelly even blogged to share the club’s creativity with worldwide readers. In 2016, that evolved into a book-club-in-a-box business that started in Alix’s garage and has grown into an international company. As co-CEOs and co-founders, Alix and Kelly are adding even more magic to books. LitJoy Crate has over 40 employees who help create special edition books and bookish products to delight book lovers far and wide. LitJoy Crate was ranked Utah’s No. 27 fastest-growing company on the Mountain West Capital Network’s 2023 list, won USA Today’s Top Book Box Subscription of the Year and made the Inc. 5000 Rocky Mountain Regional’s list in 2024. Add LitJoy to our Goodreads!

MAIN MOTIVATION First, my team! Fostering a healthy company culture brings me so much joy. My second motivation is to cultivate joy through stories. There is something powerful — visceral — about people connecting and bonding through stories. CODE RED We started out as two founders who enlisted friends to help run a small business. It got tricky when we had to create an organizational chart; each person became responsible for certain roles and had to report to different leaders. We knew it was necessary, but it was hard to differentiate that friendship relationship from that of a colleague relationship. I think this is a challenge for many startups and one that must be navigated with great humility and care. CAREER DREAM My ultimate goal is to empower people to live into their purpose without fear. I also want to test the bounds of publishing and make it more efficient and accessible. Traditional publishing can sometimes feel antiquated. My dream is to create more opportunities for authors and to get their work into the hands of readers. MENTOR WINS I look up to Courtney Brown (owner of Cents of Style and Be Fulfilled). From her, we have learned the importance of incorporating our natural gifts into our leadership style and to come back to our purpose again and again. SHARPER SKILLS One skill I’ve gained is listening, then responding with questions as opposed to solutions. Sometimes team members need sympathy, sometimes support, and sometimes solutions. 

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Emmanual Nnah

CarGuyz Motors | Owner | American Fork | 38

Emmanuel Nnah has horsepower — and his company CarGuyz Motors can attest. Lamborghini Aventador, McLaren 650S, Porsche Cayenne — all we hear is “dream car.” And that’s only the surface of this automotive dealership’s inventory. Emmanuel has built a company by finding, customizing and building exotic and luxury cars, and CarGuyz Motors has crested $40 million in total sales since inception with an average 45% YOY growth since 2020. Those are stats to get revved up about. But beyond changing the way people view exotic car ownership, Emmanuel’s overarching resolve is to care for people and leave them better than he found them.

MAIN MOTIVATION My family and my kids. Also, my passion and love for cars and people. Our clients work hard and have achieved a level of success to be able to afford what we sell. It’s super motivating to hear their stories, and I take little nuggets from them to help push me along the way. Personal growth A way I’ve seen myself grow is in trusting people and delegating. It’s hard to let go of control sometimes, but I’ve learned that as you teach and train great people, it leads to greater accomplishments. As an owner and leader, I’ve learned that I need to work “on” my business sometimes and not just “in” my business. SHARPER SKILLS Money management is a skill that I needed to learn FAST. It’s a skill that isn’t taught enough. When running a business like mine, understanding what you have coming in and what you have going out can make or break you. Own the numbers. Refine the numbers. COMBATING DOUBT Work harder. Remove outside distractions and noise. My mindset has always been that doubt doesn’t solve any problems — it’s just noise trying to break my focus. MENTOR WINS Most influential would be my dad. He taught me that no matter what I do, or what level of financial success I achieve, family and faith always come first. PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS 1) Surround yourself with people who view problems optimistically, and you’re more likely to stumble upon the right answer! 2) Hard work isn’t a differentiator — it’s an expectation. 3) Don’t bite off more than you can chew! People these days want to have 17 side businesses and 49 streams of passive income … and they want all of them to pop off in the first 90 days. It’s not a bad thing, but distraction is the No. 1 killer of success. To be successful, you need to grind, you need to focus on your goal, and be patient enough to see it through. 

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Cierra Clayson

Minky Couture | Brand Manager | Mapleton/Ogden | 35

Meet the Minky brand queen — Cierra Clayson. Cierra is a master of connections, creating and managing partnerships within Utah County (including those with Crumbl, UVU and Varsity Spirit) and maintaining Minky Couture’s active involvement in the community. She’s a proud supporter of women in business and is active in the Women’s Business Network Advisory Board through the Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce. Through her two years with Minky, Cierra has seen herself become fearless, and this strength bolsters each aspect of her life, from her business to her three boys. From Minky to “Mom,” Cierra brings a smile to each role.

MAIN MOTIVATION My three boys! As a single mom, I want to be able to provide for them and also have them be proud of the work I am doing. Whether it’s a speaking engagement, receiving an award, or waiting after school for them with homemade chocolate chip cookies, I do everything for them! PERSONAL GROWTH Returning to the workforce two years ago after raising three boys was initially daunting. I chose to push my fears aside and gradually started tackling goals, one by one, until I found success. Failures are inevitable, but it’s how you move forward that matters. COMBATING DOUBT When I joined Minky Couture, they told me I was the only person on their marketing team in Utah County. They wanted more brand awareness and for me to create deeper relationships within the community. I had to remind myself daily to have courage and to know I was capable of not only succeeding, but thriving in my role. That meant attending several events alone and creating new relationships to further the company. It was challenging to go through it alone, and like everyone else, I faced moments of discouragement. However, it was essential for me to persevere and give my utmost effort to achieve success. MENTOR WINS I look up to Sandi Hendry, the owner and founder of Minky Couture. Not only has she created a multi million dollar company with ONE blanket, but the impact she has had on thousands of people is truly remarkable. She is committed to “blanketing the world with hope and comfort.” Her determination and capacity to donate blankets to NICU’s and individuals facing adversity is unparalleled. GOOD BIZ ADVICE Put relationships over connections. Anyone can create a connection, but building a relationship with someone should be the ultimate goal.

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Tyler Hogge

Pelion | Venture Partner | Draper/Alpine | 37

Tyler Hogge’s mission? To invest in and help build exceptional startups. The job title may sound simple, but the impact is immense. Pelion Venture Partners’ portfolio includes Divvy, Owlet, Weave, Entrata, Lucid and so many more startups whose reach have spread well beyond Utah — and Tyler is a critical part of the team. Tyler’s resume also includes leading the product and risk organizations at Divvy for four years through the acquisition by BILL for $2.5 billion. He’s kind of a big deal (and so are the relationships made through Pelion) — but his focus is on helping startups, rather than shining a spotlight on himself.

MAIN MOTIVATION To help exceptional founders build enduring technology companies. PERSONAL GROWTH I have become increasingly picky on who I will choose to work with. SHARPER SKILLS A skill I’ve gained is learning how to build software products after starting my career in sales. CODE RED During Covid, Divvy faced tremendous challenges and threats to our business. But we had an excellent team who used the crisis to create a much stronger company as a result. COMBATING DOUBT I remember that my wife doesn’t doubt me, so I shouldn’t doubt myself. CAREER DREAM To start, invest in or build over 10 companies that eventually go public and to help bring Utah to its potential as a top technology center, second only to Silicon Valley. PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS Surrounding myself with people I admire and who push me to be the best version of myself. GOOD BIZ ADVICE My closest friend and partner Sterling Snow taught me that everything in business boils down to the right person and the right structure. If you have both, magic happens. MENTOR WINS The person I look up to most is my dad, who is the best leader I know. The second person I look up to is my mentor Andy Rachleff, who started a venture capital firm named Benchmark as well as a fintech company named Wealthfront. LIVING LEGACY I hope to see Utah become one of the few technology geographies in the country, and I hope to be a part of many successful, enduring, Utah-based tech companies that are able to become public businesses.

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Lamè Kinikini

Elk Ridge Management | Owner | American Fork | 32

Lamè Kinikini is getting real about real estate. As the owner, operator and founder of Elk Ridge Management, this company is a major short term rental company that Lamè and his team built from $60,000 in revenue to $8 million in under three years, acquiring over 100 doors in that time. Lamè knows how to play the games rather than sit idly by in the industry. From acquisition to design to management, Elk Ridge Management is vertically integrated and fully operational, giving it a competitive leg-up in the rental property space. Lamè is growing more and more as a trusted voice in real estate for his concrete wisdom. As he says, “Fortune favors action takers,” and he’s a living testament to that truth.

MAIN MOTIVATION Community and culture. I think it’s important to be able to stand on the shoulders of my ancestors who sailed across the sea to come live the American Dream. I’m living evidence that that Dream still exists today — especially for the Polynesian community who voyaged the seas to be here. COMBATING DOUBT Doubt is one of those things that comes constantly. Imposter syndrome has been something I’ve battled with for a long time in my career, given that I am typically one of the only Polynesians to be in the rooms I now find myself in. I’ve come to embrace this and use it as an advantage in my business transactions. Everybody is blessed with gifts given from God, no matter where you come from — and it’s never about what you do, but rather how you do it based on the gifts you are blessed with. PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS Money always follows the person who is constantly working on becoming the best version of themselves. I tend to disagree with the sentiments that we must work in fields that get paid a lot of money at market. I like to believe that money is simply an indicator of your ability to bring value to the market – regardless of whatever capacity that is. Money will always find those who become the best versions of themselves in whatever fields they pursue. LIVING LEGACY I hope to be the person on the family tree who my posterity can trace back and determine I was the one who changed it all for everybody. CAREER DREAM My ultimate career dream is to be able to retire my entire family. Not just my parents and grandparents, but my siblings, uncles and aunties, cousins, extended family and my future posterity.

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Emma (Corbett) McBrier

Entrata | Director of Talent Acquisition | Lehi | 30

Emma (Corbett) McBrier refers to herself as an Entrata boomerang, starting in 2018, leaving for a short time, then returning in 2020. Taking a look at 2024 now, she has built her talent team from a meager four to 15 members across the U.S. and India. Together, they are superheroes working with Entrata leaders to raise the talent bar and continue to elevate Entrata as the leading operation system in multifamily housing worldwide. Outside of the office, Emma finds fulfillment in her volunteer work for the American Cancer Society where she raises funds for the Hope Lodge in Salt Lake (and at which she organizes Entrata employee volunteer opportunities quarterly). At work and outside of it, Emma is all about people.

MAIN MOTIVATION I feel for candidates and employers on the ups and downs of the job search process. I love being part of the solution of matching great talent to an opportunity that can really enhance their career, all while creating a good experience whether or not they get the job. PERSONAL GROWTH When I first stepped into my role, I was managing three team members in the U.S. Within three months, we had a new CEO and I needed to grow my team and start leading a team in India. I remember my boss at the time telling me I needed to step up and find a solution to some of the challenges we were facing. My immediate reaction was, “I’m not your girl. I don’t know anything about global leadership.” His response is something I’ll never forget: “Well, we think you can.” CAREER DREAM I would love to be a VP of Talent or a Head of People someday. If that doesn’t work out, my two besties and I are fully planning to open a bed and breakfast somewhere in the mountains! PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS Relationships first, work second. I strongly believe that if work is secondary to your working relationship with someone, it opens up more transparent and direct solutions when you come across problems that need to be solved. GOOD BIZ ADVICE Remain curious. I’ve learned there are often 100 different ways to accomplish things, so giving people freedom to show you their way is very empowering! CAUTIONARY TALES I had an experience where I had two job offers on the table. One person told me to always take the easier route if the compensation is the same. I ended up taking the more difficult job and I learned and grew so much in that time! The “easy route” may pay off in the short term, but it doesn’t always in the long run.

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Jacob Baadsgaard

Disruptive Advertising | Founder + CEO | Pleasant Grove | 39

Jacob Baadsgaard may run a marketing agency, but he’s truly in the business of activating the greatness in people. “I love seeing people take new risks, and my business is an excellent environment to do that in,” he says. At Disruptive Advertising, his work is to set a clear vision and ensure he has the right team that knows how to execute — and execute they do! Disruptive Advertising has made the Inc. 500 and 5000 list, the BusinessQ UV50 Fastest-Growing list, and has over 90 clients who have trusted the company with their business for 4 years or more each. Jacob and the team at Disruptive refuse to play it safe — and that’s how they’re winning.

LIVING LEGACY I wish to leave a legacy of an environment that supports people remembering and living in alignment with who they are, not the life they think everyone else expects of them. PERSONAL GROWTH I love every stage of my journey and I would put it into three buckets: First, live the life and build the business that I thought I was supposed to that would make everyone else happy. Second, learning how to be happy myself and live life in a way authentic to me. Third, loving the practice of helping others along their journeys of self discovery. SHARPER SKILLS My ability to listen has grown tremendously over the years. I used to listen only for the opportunity to respond and tell people what they should do next. Now, my favorite part of life and business is connecting with people and understanding them at a deep level, and watching them solve their own challenges. CODE RED I remember getting a phone call right before I was about to lose cell phone coverage, informing me that we made a $500,000 mistake. I took a big breath and told them I trusted them to figure it out, and ultimately they did. It was a transition point in my life where I started to trust others more, rather than always needing to be the hero. COMBATING DOUBT Writing down my concerns in my journal at night is the best way for my brain to let go, and by the time I wake up, it either doesn’t seem to matter as much as I thought or I have a solution to take action on. CAREER DREAM I envision a world where authentic people and brands are the ones winning. For some reason, I believe I can have a big impact on that and it excites, inspires and motivates me to see people stepping into their potential, heeding the call to adventure, and hearing their stories of transformation. I’ve been hard at work for years building a supportive program to help people get started called Disruptive University. 

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Kathleen Leavitt

Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber | President + CEO | Spanish Fork | 36

Meet the face of the Spanish Fork Salem Area Chamber of Commerce, Kathleen Leavitt. Since 2022, Kathleen’s passionate, inviting and positive energy has strengthened the business community of South Utah County. Under her leadership, events have nearly tripled in size and membership continues to increase. Kathleen has also taken proactive steps in fostering unity and collaboration amongst chambers by founding the Central Utah Chamber Coalition. Her deep-rooted belief? “We are much stronger together than separate.” When the businesses of Spanish Fork and Salem are thriving, Kathleen is thriving.

MAIN MOTIVATION Entrepreneurs and business owners are the most passionate people of all time. I work as hard as I do for them. Because they put their all into what they are creating, I give my all to ensuring that they are as successful as they can be. SHARPER SKILLS Conflict resolution. I am one who thrives on unity and collaboration, but I used to achieve that end by never rocking the boat. The truth is, life rocks the boat for us; if you don’t learn how to navigate rocky waters with poise and purpose, you’re going to tip over. CAREER DREAM Coming from being a waitress for 13 years, I am living my ultimate career dream right now! Ultimately, I see my career developing into politics in the future. I’d love to help in the House of Representatives or a similar role. I think I could make a big impact there with my collaborative spirit and passion for unity. The sky really is the limit for me, and I’m still learning to embrace that. GOOD BIZ ADVICE Your time and energy are your most valuable assets. No one can do everything, and there are endless options for how you can spend your time. Learning the practice of pinpointing your “highest and best” uses for time and energy was career-changing for me. MENTOR WINS I highly admire our Spanish Fork mayor, Mike Mendenhall. He has taught me so much about being a prominent leader while remaining authentic and true. LIVING LEGACY Always leave things better than I found them. That is what I intend with the Chamber — I want people to remember the work that I have done, and say, “It’s so much better because Kathleen was our leader.” CAUTIONARY TALES I have never been a big fan of “fake it till you make it.” If I don’t know what I’m doing, or I am unsure of a decision, I am honest about that. I lean on my team, experts or people with experience in the realm that I’m unsure about before moving forward. And people have respected me more for being confident enough to just say “I don’t know.”