PCF Insurance Services | Sr. Director of Strategic Finance | Lehi | 33
Andrew Roach, CPA, lassoes wins with excellent leadership and his trusty tool Excel, the program in which he says basically anything is possible. As the Sr. Director of Strategic Finance at PCF Insurance Services, spreadsheets are critical. Andrew is responsible for debt and equity financing, strategic modeling and investor relations. PCF has been listed as the No. 1 fastest-growing company in Utah three years in a row by Utah Business, and its momentum is only picking up. During his time with PCF, Andrew has thus far refinanced $2.1 billion of debt for better rates and raised an additional $1.4 billion of debt and equity facilities to support that growth. When it comes to growing one of the largest insurance companies in the country, there’s no room for finance mediocrity — and Andrew is excelling.
MAIN MOTIVATION To provide my family as many opportunities as I can. I measure myself based on if I have progressed that objective every day. PERSONAL GROWTH I have been blessed to have exposure to executive decision-making and board-level discussions from very transparent leaders. Their influence and leadership has accelerated my understanding of the issues they face and allowed me to focus my energy on solving their problems. SHARPER SKILLS It took some time to come out of my shell and be myself rather than what I assumed was expected of an accounting professional. Once I discovered my professional voice, I was able to better parlay my energy into my work performance. COMBATING DOUBT Doubt or discouragement only creeps into an idle mind. PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS These beliefs contribute to success: 1) Adults spend their weekend preparing for their week and not vice versa. 2) Perspective is massively important to culture and environment. To the extent you can find silver linings and maintain positive energy, every problem becomes an obstacle to overcome. GOOD BIZ ADVICE When interviewing for a position, go to a meal with the hiring manager. How the employer treats the wait staff will tell you everything you need to know about those they deem inferior to themselves. MENTOR WINS I frequently look to my father as a man to emulate. Having found success in large organizations and small, I love bouncing career ideas off him and learning from his wealth of experience.