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Chad Pollard

Renew Biotechnologies | Co-Founder + CEO | Provo | 26

Chad Pollard has a hypothesis that, together, science and business can transform healthcare as we know it — and that’s happening through Renew Biotechnologies. Preventative tests for neurodivergent diseases only scratch the surface of Renew’s capabilities. Chad holds a bachelor’s degree in genetics, genomes and biotech from BYU and is a full PhD candidate in cell biology and physiology, expected to graduate in April 2025. Of all his ventures, he is proudest of his research, particularly in Pre-symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease diagnostics. That research has garnered significant attention nationally, highlighted by a manuscript in the top 1 percent of all submissions to “Frontiers in Neurology.” And his entrepreneurial spirit is just as strong as his scientific acumen! At BYU, he won both the BYU Entrepreneur Big Idea Competition and the BYU Student Innovator of the Year — which led to the beginnings of Renew. Since its inception in May 2022, Renew has rapidly expanded, acquiring seven subsidiaries and establishing itself as a leader in next-generation sequencing diagnostics. 

LIVING LEGACY My goals: 1) For the customers we serve to recognize our company as one that had a significant positive impact on healthcare. 2) For employees to leave saying they are proud to have worked with Renew. PERSONAL GROWTH I have grown in leadership. As a young CEO, there is very little I know from past experiences. Because of that, it was important to make sure I have an incredible group of advisors and coaches who help me nearly every day to know how I can improve. CAUTIONARY TALES “Keep things close to the chest.” I don’t like that approach. I have found that people trust me more when I am willing to be overly transparent. SHARPER SKILLS Naturally, I’m a person who avoids confrontation and thinks it is best to not bother anyone and get work done myself. That approach doesn’t work well when you are starting a company, so I have had to work hard to always have open and honest communication. CODE RED One of our policies is “to be transparent with everyone about everything from the beginning.” We believe most major crises are a result of a problem that builds over time, and being transparent — from company finances to project deadlines — helps to avoid those crises. CAREER DREAM I would love Renew to be my last job and grow it for the rest of my career.