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Genna Lasko

Collaborative by Design | Co-Founder | Salt Lake and Utah County | 39

Like the color red, Genna Lasko adds dynamic, magnetic energy to the rooms she enters and the events she coordinates. Collaborative by Design, focused on impact events and strategic partnerships, is a culmination of Genna’s passion for fostering social change and her background in theater and film direction. In Collaborative by Design’s lifetime, it has raised over $10 million in funds for festivals, conferences and non-profit programs — including Utah Governor’s Galas, Unified Sports Tournaments and many more. Through it all, the legacy Genna hopes to leave is “to be remembered for fostering a sense of community and warmth, where every gathering, meeting and interaction reflects our shared humanity and the power of connection.”

PROUDEST ACCOMPLISHMENTS Raising two talented, smart and kind children who bring so much joy to my life. Professionally, I’ve had the honor of producing events worldwide with incredible teams in places like the Vatican and Perth, Australia. Equally important is building a company that champions talented women, offering them flexible hours, meaningful work and the ability to work remotely, fostering an environment of support and empowerment. SHARPER SKILLS A skill I’ve gained is the art of negotiation. Initially, the balance between assertiveness and empathy, understanding stakeholder perspectives, and reaching mutually beneficial agreements was a challenge. However, through expert training with my husband and lots of trial and error, I’ve developed this into a strength. CODE RED At one event, I faced the unexpected challenge of coordinating with an AV team that communicated solely in Italian — a language in which I was not fluent. Through a comedy of errors, the AV Lead and I discovered that we could conduct our show using our very basic high school-level French. GOOD BIZ ADVICE “Good to Great” by Jim Collins teaches that leadership is not about waiting for external validation, but about deciding to be the expert yourself. No one grants you permission to become the expert; you claim that authority through your actions and knowledge. MAIN MOTIVATION The belief that events are powerful catalysts for change. By creating immersive experiences that bring people together, we can spark conversations, build communities, and drive collective action towards a better future.