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Adam Frederico

Frederico Outdoor Living | President | Pleasant Grove | 36

Adam Frederico is a connoisseur of luxury landscapes. Over three years ago, he bought the business Frederico Outdoor Living from his father, and since then he has focused on selling great projects and recruiting amazing talent to create the outdoor living spaces of clients’ dreams. “From my previous career in consulting, I learned from great leaders how to build an unbeatable culture that gets everyone rowing in the same direction,” he says, and he has consistently applied that tactic at Frederico Outdoor Living. The company has made Lawn and Landscape Magazine’s “Best Place to Work” list multiple times, had projects featured in the Utah Valley Parade of Homes, won four “Best Landscaping Awards” from the Utah Valley HBA, and that only tills the soil’s surface. Adam is landscaping Utah County and cutting no corners.

MAIN MOTIVATION Seeing the personal and professional growth of the team is at the core of why I wake up every day. PERSONAL GROWTH A major way I’ve grown in my career is to continually remind myself that I am in the people business. Becoming an empathetic leader who still holds people accountable is something I am always working on. SHARPER SKILLS I knew conversational Spanish at the time of taking over the company, but now I feel much more comfortable speaking with our Spanish-speaking team members! I love the diversity of backgrounds and countries of our team. COMBATING DOUBT Mental toughness is a huge part of my focus. I belong to two groups, Vistage and Entrepreneurs Organization (EO of Utah). Being a part of these groups has helpedmebe vulnerable, gain insights on my doubts, and be a better leader to the company. CAREER DREAM Be the best place to work in the state of Utah! PRINCIPLES OF SUCCESS Creating a culture of measuring data. Scorecards and metrics help us make near-time decisions and adjust for better performance. GOOD BIZ ADVICE Hire slow, fire fast. I struggle with it,but I am getting better at it! As much as I live and breathe the vision ofthe company, I can’t expect everyone else to do so. LIVING LEGACY I hope people say, “Adam created a great placeto work where ideas were heard and people felt cared about. It was the most challenging job I had, but also the most rewarding!”