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Jill Coil

Founder Simple Ending City Pleasant Grove + Sandy

Co-founder + Managing Partner, Moxie Law Group | Founder + Managing Partner, CoilLaw

Jill Coil always planned to be a lawyer, but never imagined that decision would lead her to an entrepreneurial journey as well. In 2014, when she was pregnant and working for one of the largest law firms in the state, she realized a flaw in the system — the firm had no maternity leave policy. “I decided I wanted to be able to blaze my own trail and create something that would give other women a place to shine as well,” she says. Attorney acumen, determined resolve, and a focused passion proved to be the perfect recipe for starting CoilLaw, which has become one of the largest family law firms in the state. Her passion for championing women — plus a dash of exasperation at men-centric law billboards — led to Moxie Law Group, the first female-founded personal injury law firm in Utah. Her current venture is Simple Ending, a digital platform for divorce documents. She’s also the author of “No One Dies from Divorce: How to Survive and Thrive When Your Marriage Ends.” No business school? No problem. Jill creates the changes she wishes to see — and that’s a ruling we won’t overturn. 

We got to be a part of the WeROC Conference at the University of Utah in September. There were around 30 women pitching amazing companies, and I was one of the three women who got voted best pitch. It showed that people appreciate what we’re doing, and they recognize I’m not just doing it to make money, but I’m doing it because it’s needed.

At CoilLaw, we have 13 attorneys. We’ve got several women who work for us, and we have created a space where they can be successful in their career in any way they want to do that. We have women who work half-time, and we have women who work full-time and manage, and their husbands are stay-at-home dads! I’m so proud of what we’ve been able to create for these women. The women get full paid maternity leave at my firm. The men who work for us get paid paternity leave. We wanted to create a place that allows people to shine, and I think we’re doing a really great job of that. As well, Moxie Law was recognized as one of the top 100 Utah Companies Championing Women in 2023. 

When I decided to start Simple Ending, we said, “Let’s hire an engineer and just try to create a product.” I will write a book one day about what not to do (*laughs*), because I should have mapped out how we were going to build it. I should have sought expertise in the field of legal tech to see where to start. I just didn’t do that. It took our product way longer than it needed to get to MVP because we didn’t have an architect or a road map.

I’m a very emotional person by trade and I’m very good at communication — but I was good at that through being a lawyer. I realized I can’t be a lawyer to my employees; I have to be pragmatic. 

We have created a really special space. We have had some amazing people who have continually supported this journey and are committed to building our companies. We don’t have to advertise much anymore for employees because we have people coming to us saying they want to work at CoilLaw or Moxie Law.

I’m a mom of four. My husband and I have a charity where we find causes to donate to. I put the hat of executive producer on this year and I executive-produced a musical (@KalynaTheMusical). We’re hoping to get money to bring the musical to Broadway.

I always have to have a vacation coming up, because that’s a time I can turn my phone off and just be present.

Hoodies. I’m a sweatshirt girl.

Every December for our anniversary, my husband and I go to Disneyland with our best friends and no kids. It’s magical!

“Crucial Conversations.” Also, anything by Brené Brown.

I got invited to the VIP event for Utah Business when they named their 30 Women to Watch. I love Utah. We have some of the best women and it’s been so fun getting to know them. As a lawyer going into this entrepreneur world, I didn’t know anybody because most legal people aren’t entrepreneurs. Now, I’m meeting so many people who are so supportive.

There will be low points where entrepreneurs feel like giving up. The ones who are successful are the ones who recognize they have something special, and they keep going.