Founder + CEO Shine Cosmetics City Lindon
The coolest part about Darcey Wilde and Shine Cosmetics? “We get to help women feel beautiful every day! It doesn’t get any better than that!” Darcey grew up with a full-time working mother, so she envisioned herself as “the stay-at-home mom who had fresh baked cookies on the counter” when her kids got home. After years of trying to fit that mold, she realized she would shine brightest — and be able to give more to others — when she was doing something for herself. In 2014, as a mom, volunteer and all things good, she decided to enter the corporate world again as a social media manager. In a few short years, she became the first female in the history of that 20-year-old company to be made a member of the executive team. While she still worked there, her friends invited her to Zupas for lunch, and an idea over soup and salad turned into Shine Cosmetics. As three women spent two and a half years brainstorming at their kitchen tables late at night, something beautiful was born that echoed the message, “We are good enough as we are.” Shine Cosmetics launched in 2019 and has been helping women shine as their truest selves ever since.
My career gained traction when others believed in me and gave me a chance — a stay-at-home mom with little work experience — and then really took off when I started to believe in myself, too.
Also, we made a big shift toward affiliate marketing. Once we got the program introduced to a few influential women, our business really took off.
It felt like magic on the morning that an order came in where none of us had a personal connection to her. We realized, we can do this! I still like to imagine what the lives of the women who order from us are like and take a second to send a prayer up for them.
First female promoted to the executive team at a 20-year-old software company. Named one of Utah’s 40 over 40 Women in 2023. Shine Cosmetics is known as a leader in affiliate marketing.
In the summer of 2021, we released a new product: LipVelvet, a matte lip gloss. Our launch was a huge success. But after about a week, we heard from a customer that one of the shades didn’t feel the same as the others. We realized the formula wasn’t exactly right, and it had already been sent out to thousands of women. We quickly made the color in the correct formula and sent it out to every woman who ordered, for free, with our apologies. The investment in doing the right thing always pays off, even if it hurts a little at first.
1) I’ve had to trust that there was a reason I was at that table, that I do have valuable insight and it is my responsibility to share it, even if my voice shakes. 2) Making mistakes is part of the game. I had the opportunity to be in a meeting with Ed Catmull of Pixar, and he said, “If you aren’t experiencing failure, then you are making a far worse mistake: You are being driven by the desire to avoid it.” 3) Comparison is the thief of joy — it is also the thief of creativity and innovation.
I’m a wife, mom and Mimi (I have 3 grandchildren). I spent years as a Lone Peak High School Football and Wrestling Booster. BYU Female Athlete Mentorship Program Co-founder. I actively serve in my community and church.
1. Listening to something uplifting while I get ready.
2. A good cup of Perk Energy every morning.
3. Doing something everyday that tomorrow Darcey will be grateful for.
A cold Diet Coke with fresh lime and a good Netflix series or book helps. Adding a beach doesn’t hurt. I also love football!
A cozy blanket inside a warm house. If I am forced to go out into the cold, my current favorite is the Iglu — a wearable sleeping bag!
My all-time favorite is probably “Shoe Dog” by Phil Knight.
The most impactful event I have attended is a retreat with a small group of women business owners and influencers where we go away for three days to brainstorm, energize, connect and learn. There is magic when we cheer each other on. There is enough success out there for everyone!
My grandmother always said, “This too shall pass” — the good and the bad. Just breathe and know that you’ve got this!